Tuesday, July 7, 2009

God Bless our Hero

This week is Patriotic Theme, and being the Marine Corps family we are the homecomings to me are always the most patriotic feeling. We have been through 4 deployments. My husband has been gone anywhere from 6months -9months at a time away from home, his sons, and I. He left for OIF #1 when our youngest was 6months old, and the last deployment he was 6. Its a hard life but we make the most of our time together. Here is our last deployment homecoming 2008

We always make signs usually its a sheet I let the boys paint to welcome home daddy, but this time I found online a service that was giving out free professional signs for those service members coming home

I always mark up the back of the car, my hubby HATES this cuz it dirty's the car LOL but I think he secretly loved the attention he gets from it.. and he should he deserves it!

I see buses this is when all the waiting families get excited and kids get out of the jumpers, and people get their signs up and ready so that our hero's can find us.

Off those buses fall out Marines... lots and lots of Marines.. and the bad thing is they all look alike LOL. We have a tradition of signs every deployment, and each deploy it gets harder and harder to come up with something whitier then the last LOL.

This year we had a Disney Cruise planned so it was easier thinking of a funny saying. But we spot him through all the same color clothing, yup its him

More importantly the boys see him

And we are together again as a family... at least until the Marine Corps sends him away again.


  1. Great story! So happy he got to come home for awhile. Thank him for me will you! He is serving our country and he will be in my prayers!

  2. Beautiful post that brought tears to my eyes! Military wives are heroes too!

  3. My husband gets home from Afghanistan in 12 days! Your pictures make me even more excited...thanks for sharing.
